Final Fantasy 7 - Cloud's Buster Sword

dimecres, 17 de maig del 2017

Horror Movies

What do you think about terror films?
There are a lot of horror films, but these films are very predictable, and always talk about the same things: demons, gosths, spectres, serial assassins, etc., and in a 99% of films there isn't terror, they are rather disgusting instead: liters of blood, mutilations, non-existent plot, etc.
I don't see this type of films, not because they scare me, but because they are boring films. After seeing one, you have seen all.
I'm just afraid of fear itself.
I put this trailer because nothing is more terrifying than a clown, jajajajajaja. (I think an evil laugh would be better here).
Hey, how is your evil laugh? (put them in the comments, please)

7 comentaris:

  1. Hi Joan! The terror movies are some of my favorites, since first I shout and wrap up my eyes but then I laugh!

    1. Jajajaja, I think this is the most common reaction of the people when we see this type of films.

  2. I don't like all the horror films but I've got to say that "it" is a great film cause i've seen the original one and it amazed me, so I only like good horror films.

    1. The original films of this type are usually good films. It's a good evil laugh.

  3. L'autor ha eliminat aquest comentari.

  4. Hello Joan, I like very much the terror movies. I prefer a horror movie that a romantic movie haha:)
