An Anime is an adaptation of a manga, and what is a "manga" you would ask, well, a manga is the same as a comic but in Japan. It is the same as katana and sword, all katanas are swords but not all swords are katanas. The only diference with our comics is that the mangas read backwards.
There are a lot of animes, so I will talk about those that have inflenced me.
The first anime I saw, was One Piece, in the channel "Super 3", wait, maybe the real first was Dragon Ball, but I don't remeber. However, One Piece caught my attention and I followed this anime until the channel changed the time of emission, and I lost the continuity. 2 years ago, maybe 3, I started the anime at the first episode, in Catalan, but the catalans only dubbed 516 episodis, and then I saw it in Japanese subtitled in Spanish. And now I have learnt some words in Japanese.
A friend told me about another anime that he liked, Bleach, and I saw that and now I can say that it is a good anime. It is very different from One Piece or Shingeki no Kyojin, another anime that I follow and I think it's so good.
When I was younger, "Super 3" channel emitted other animes, Sailor Moon, Card Captor Sakura, Shin Chan, Dragon Ball, Detective Conan, etc. But throughout the years, I lost mu interest in many of these animes, and I became more interested in others.
Maybe you don't like these animes, or you like others, but I can olny spek about waht I know. If you know other animes, do not hesitate to put it in comments.
At the moment I follow 2 animes: One Piece and Shingeki no Kyojin season 2, because Bleach is over, and also One Punch Man (another anime that I advise you to see). But of the One Punch Man, they are going to start the second season, but I don't know when. I want to see all episodes of Dragon Ball, but I have only found it in Latinamerican.
I tell you about the animes that I follow at the moment:
- One Piece, they have 790 episodis and not to stop, there are steel a lot of stories left to see. It's about a guy who has the gomu power, he lives in a pirates world, and the story tells about his trip to become the King of Pirates. In that way, he finds other people who join his crew or try to stop him. In this anime you can learn what a real friend is, and fight for them. The friends are the most important.
And here, all openings in Catalan:
- Shingeki no Kyojin, has 34 episodes, the first season has 25 and the secon, is in emision. It's about a world where the humanity was swallowed by giants, and live in walled cities. The history began when a colosal giant attacked one of these walls and opened a hole in it, then the fight beetwen the survivors and the giants continued.
And here, 2 opennings (the first and the third):
Oh, you do not mix up the anime with hentai, hentai is only a type of anime, although there are a lot of types of hentai.... maybe in another entry. Many animes have 1% of hentai (like High School DXD), but they not lose the essence of the plot. It's like a episode of Game of Thrones. (I will talk about it the next season in another entry.)
And there are a lot of things more, but I don't want to bore you, sorry for this testament. But better in English than Japanesse, jajajajaja.
If you want me to talk about a specific anime, put it in the comments.
Hello Joan.
ResponEliminaRespect much your tastes, but my personally this kind of drawings I don't like. When I was little I liked much cartoons, already a young me now when I'm with my cousins entertain, but this type never me to like.
You are never old to see cartoons (animes in this case) because not all the cartoons are animes. And sometimes when you were younger you liked a anime that now you find silly, or the other way round. You have to enjoy the present moment, whether you are young (like you) or old.